Saturday, November 1, 2014

LÖRI - Split 12" w/ Yusuke [2014]

LÖRI was one of the first Latin American bands from Perú I found, as they form part of La Flor Records in Lima (two members also play in Procrastinación Uno Yo Cero, see older post). At the time they were known as Löri Berensön. I was particularly ecstatic about this album when I found it, and had Sajid Ñopo from La Flor send me a copy to the US all the way from Perú. Okay, I suppose it's not that far, but it was a momentous occasion for DIY for La Flor and I was pretty stoked to get a CD from Peru (living in Buenos Aires these days makes acquiring South American music a little easier, so looking back on it feels kinda silly, but it had a romance to it so just go with it). With this album he also threw in Caídas y Vueltas from P1Y0 and the Angkor Wat/Día Gris split on a scratched up mini CD (to this day I haven't gotten a chance to try and play it, but I suppose it doesn't really matter since I have the songs on the compy). I'll do a post on Angkor Wat soon, they rule.

Anyway, LÖRI is a fierce band that was a bit more emo-violence on the first releases and are now have a lot of post-rock elements. The band shrieks and growls and plays some heavily distorted stripped-down riffs that feel punk as frick. Whether they're conscious of it or not, the band definitely takes some root in hardcore punk, from the abrasive shout/scream distorted vocals to the heavy walking drumbeat. Maybe it's just a hardcore punk band that has tastes that lean towards emo? Maybe I've classified this band all wrong, but either way it's pretty slick and contains that serious abrasion and disgust that I sense in a lot of aggressive Peruvian bands. Check out their other stuff on their bandcamp, as their old stuff is super rad and is a bit rougher around the edges.

So, here's the important part: YOU CAN ORDER THIS RECORD RIGHT NOW. Friendly Otter (Chicago) has it up for pre-order HERE, so get your hands on it while you can because Latin American screamo on vinyl is pretty rare and v exciting. It will also be available from Zegema Beach (Canada), La Agonía de Vivir (Spain) and Off Cloud Nine (Michigan).

Edit: Now available at Zegema Beach HERE

Genres: Screamo, Emo-violence, Hardcore Punk, Post Rock

(this is from an older album, listen to the split below)

1. La Taza Medio Llena
2. Cada vez que te levantes a las 6 AM
3. Coherencia

You can listen to the Yusuke side here!

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