Monday, November 3, 2014

Hungría - Fjóplavi [2014]

Do you like math rock? J-rock? Super fricking precise guitar-drum riffage? If so, listen to this. If not, listen anyway, because possibly the most impressive shit out of Buenos Aires I've heard yet (except maybe Vocero, who I have yet to do a post on). Basically, if you want an idea of what it's gonna sound like, just look at the album cover, because it's probably gonna make you think about space or the future. It's actually kinda bewildering that this band is from Buenos Aires, as they sound absolutely nothing like any other band I've heard here and trust me this style of music is not popular, even in the "scene."

It's extremely japanese in tone and rhythm, like if you think of the clean guitar tone in mudy on the Sakuban or tricot. I guess you could call it experimental too, as its got some really chill structurelessness and low-key strange tones. So, get ready for some radical space laser sounds and sick flangers. The band is only a two piece so there are some sweet loops used nicely that bring out dynamics and show off the guitarist, not to mention that the drums are impeccable. Two-pieces generally need to be pretty tight and this band is very much so. Anyways I've again found myself amongst a genre I don't know how to talk about so I'm gonna let the music do the rest of the talking.

Genres: Math Rock, Experimental, I don't even know

1. Noventa y siete por ciento.
2. Reykjavik.
3. La trilogía de Andy Carroll I.
4. Úthafskarfa.
5. La trilogía de Andy Carroll II.
6. Los nórdicos.

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